Monday, August 30, 2010


miss me? HAH. no right?

well, kenapa dah lama tak update?
sebab tak rasa nak update.
hanya mampu update di blog private sahaja..

susah sangat nak cari words yang suitable.
sekarang ni pon random je la.

here goes nothing.
so, even though i don't see it by my own eyes,
i can feel the awkward moments.
he's strange now..
and i hate him.. SORRY. i wish i'm not.

since tomorrow will be Happy National Day, Malaysia, [the hot country!]
yeah, Happy Merdeka! YAH! 53 years.
danke schon atuk nenek moyang sume laa yang merdekakan tanah air terchenta ni!
tak lupa juga.. Allah.. yang maha berkuasa. ;)

Ramadhan, phase 3..
okay, banyakkan amalan murshida..
jangan main game je..

talk about game..
sape ingat
tetiba rasa nak main..

dan mainlah..
dapat lepas tension tengok binatang yang kiut miut tu..
hasee bounce, mercaa chase, pretrattack! etc.
tau. nampak childish..
tapi.. 'so what?'

next is.. humm..
be a fashion designer?

and seriously! i love crayons, water colours,
drawing.. colouring.. geee..
nanti kene beli buku yang colour2 tu. ;)
alaaaa. yang dulu2 kecik2 korang beli tu! HAHA.

okay.. ape lagi?
oh, dia tegur aku, after one year, dia tak tegur.
that kinda sweet because dia ingat aku lagi! :D

dan ape lagi?
-boneca by cela..
dengar lagi...

'engkau mahu sempurna, engkau jadi sempurna,
biar aku bahagia dengan celaku....'

so, i think silence is better than speak if there's no one wants to hear you.
and, jana-

p.s penat nak pretend lah awak.. cakap senang lah.. cuba awak ade kat tempat saya?

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

on the brightside

but i'm not that tall la chris. so, HOW?
ehem. look on the BRIGHTSIDE!

so, ape nak cakap ek?
many things -.-

firstly RESULT
  • Addmath TAK FAIL. ;)
  • BA susa. kalau susa rasa-rasanya, confirm lah kan.. ehemm.
  • Chemistry, OHMY!
  • the rest, still pending.
secondly, Ihya' Ramadhan
  • thanks to all.
  • i hate tepung.
  • i hate you. [someone's name] it's not her. really, i hate someone else.
  • takde gune buat prog ni, IF aku/korang tak BERUBAH! meningless OKAY? so, berubah.
  • baru prasan dah form 4. SENIOR.
  • tak kisah pasal masalah tu. semua ada hikmah.
  • well, i want to tell 'em sth. but i can't. i'm not the right person kot.
enough about that.

-isu kecil tak patut dibesarkan.

-kenapa perlu mengambil serius dengan sedikit kesalahan yang kami buat sedangkan kesalahan yang lebih besar dan jelas di hadapan mata anda tidak diambil kisah?

-the deepest pain that you can get is from the most people that you love.

-don't be so sensitive la murshida. WAKE UP.

-no one can help you but yourself.

-i want to change for good. so, where should i start?

-i'm craving for a vanilla ice-cream!

-mineral water i need you. :((

enough merepek.
nak pegi jalan2 kat youtube.

tak tahan nak ketawa...
orang masuk jail sebab tak dapat nugget kat fast food. -.-"

manusia zaman sekarang makin pelik. serious.
bila mereka nak berubah? aku juga.....

p.s esok takde lagi kat rumah. out for iftar with bonda and other princesses!

Saturday, August 21, 2010


this is a pendant. :)
currently. i'm going crazy.
what a surprise fairytale you told me before.
honestly, i don't know whether i believe you or not.

pendants again~
i'm going fuckin' nuts!
yup. really.
ughh. how can i believe that you will do that.
i need to believe you. seriously.

what is this? haish.
i love you!
look. i fall for you!!
beautiful! T^T

it's you again! T^T
she does makes me CRAZY!

haish, now, i love to hear this too.

grrrr. i adore thissss ;)
this makes me remember about the drama thingy..
script.. 20-30 minutes..
guys, do you any idea to do the scripts?

and the choral speaking..
"and Alice In Wonderland?"
"Oh No! Not this again!"
err. Ihya' Batch 13 tu. -.-" we will present this again.

that will be embarrassing.

oh yes, today, is full on insanity.
when i was going to pray for zuhur,
guess what?
we saw a dead body.
in the musolla.
haha, good job for making us felt SURPRISE and SHOCK!
it looks real ;)
yeah, we took a pict with it.

pizah, post kat blog okay! :)

and.. just now... najihah.. and...[name]
i can't believe you....
screaming, shouting, laughing..
-enough said.-

p.s charlie and chocolate factory.nyummy.. the chocolate waterfall!

Friday, August 20, 2010

the end


dah habis exam. saya msih di sekolah sekarang.
cuma automatic post je.
12.30 PM sekarang ni.
tengah lepak kat sekolah. / MY [prog] / kemas kelas.
balik 2.30 PM macam biasa.
tunggu driver.

oh yess,
tadi baru je habes exam sejarah :)
tafsir dan chemistry. :D

so, boleh la nak tumpukan pada ibadah lepas ni. ;)

conclusion [exam week] :
  • jangan study last minit. [yea right!]
  • kalau malas sangat nak study, at least belek la point2 penting. T^T [tgh menyesal tahap hyper ni!]
  • addmath perlukan 2-3 hari tuk hadamkan segala topik yang msuk exam.
  • bahasa arab at least dapat 20+ ke atas. [susah GIGA!] 30 minutes da berlalu.... kertas aku masih kosong. yea, saya tak tipu...
  • mathematics, orang kata senang, tapi susah bagi saya. :((
  • tak patut buat jadual pekse macam tu. after 30 minutes break, sambung lagi paper next!
  • kalau tak reti jawab, zikir banyak2, and then.. HENTAM.
  • jangan buat karangan pendek sgt sebab kau malas. sebab confirm markah tak lawa. [essay english paling pendek aaaa.]
  • jangan sesekali tengok tv atau ngadap komp pada malam sebelum exam. [macam sekarang aku tengah buat! :D] err. err.
  • result akan cemerlang. straight C/B insyaAllah. errr. ERRRR.


Monday, August 16, 2010

1st day exam

tadi exam.
ha, ha, ha.

memang tak lawak sungguh soalan aqidah.
disebabkan kemalasan melanda, jadi
saya hanya meninggalkan soalan yang 4 markah.

kan aku dah kate.
aku tak target pape dalam pekse kali ni.
heh :)

lagi la lawak tak lucu
boleh lupa pulak eh ayat tu.

serious lawak.
kalau sesiapa yang tak baca Hikayat Khoja Maimun,
memang akan jawab Bayan watak dia : Tampan... HAHA.
dan, sebenarnya Bayan tu burung.
ciss. burn 4 markah di situ.
sebab soalan tu hanya dibiar BLANK.

serious penat tulis storyboard.
5 halaman. lepas ni dah boleh ar buat web site sendiri ekk.

dan esok,
English, Physics dan... Mathematics.
i hate digits. and numbers too. :((
let me cry baby!

p.s this is not funny.

Sunday, August 15, 2010


sum 41.

-Sum 41 - Pieces-

i tried to be perfect but nothing was worth it.
i don't believe it makes me real
i thought it'd be easy but no one believes me
i meant all the things i said

if you believe it's in my soul
i'd say all the words that i know
just to see if it wouldn't show
that i'm trying to let you know
that i'm better off on my own

this place is so empty
my thought are so tempting
i don't know how it got so bad
sometimes it's so crazy
but nothing can save me
but it's the only thing that i have

i tried to be perfect
it just wasn't worth it
nothing could ever be so wrong
it's hard to believe me it never gets easy
i guess i knew that all along. .

-the end-

entah. ttbe je rasa nak post lagu ni.
macam sayu je dengar version piano ni.

hey, i miss sum 41..
mana pergi awak dalam mp3 saya..?

yea, people don't believe in me.
it's never gets easy. T^T

"i'm better off on my own"

p.s serious aku tak study langsung. so i will never put on high hope for this exam.

p.s.s see on the side bar "let it flow" the 1st song is automatic. 2nd one is world behind my wall. 3rd is Strange. you can choose. if you don't want to hear it, click pause button! so, this is where i stop. have a nice day!

Saturday, August 14, 2010


hye! hey. salam. :)
how are you?
"i guess, i'm doing fine."
this is what cross my mind now.
here goes nothing.

officially, there will be Ujian Berkala 2.
starting on Monday 16th August 2010. until Friday.
honestly, i don't feel like i want to study for this exam. :(
this is what i look like when i was in class 2 weeks ago. SLEEPY.

eh, look! it's Jlostein. :)
she is really 'something'.
there's nothing special in this picture.
click it for larger :)

every single day,
i will open this game.

sorry, i can't leave my childhood :)
this is Country Story on Facebook.
tree spirit, seeding, watering, trophy.

the old one.

i'd changed. my layout. well, schwarz suit me :)
there will be no longer white and blue falling heart
euw, girly-like. HAH!

i will attending this. :)

annoying orange.

creative, annoying, stupid.
the most important, make me laughs :D

p.s i keep standing straight while my castle breaks.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

versus by hlovate..

versus by Hlovate.

one word = Boring.

story line okay.
tapi entah. dia banyak membebel je dalam buku ni.
hlovate keeps telling the same point.

changing is HARD.
bape banyak kali dia repeat.
nak berubah tu susah.
of course la.

dan... cerita tu terlalu simple.
sebab en, i don't think yang manusia tu boleh berubah begitu cepat.
c'mon, sth you'd like and then you have to change your life style,
takkan la sng cm mkn kcg ek?

cerita dia terlalu simple.
dan. expected.
tu la sebabnya aku baca buku ni terhegeh2.
sebab bosan.

ah, cukup la mengkritik.

but i'd like Tunas and Rooftop Rant. :)

5 thun 5 bulan and versus are boring. -.-

Aa+Bb jiwang sangat. 50/50 :)

and, Ramadhan! ^^
jom borong pahala. :)
p.s susah nak lupakan semua yang dah berlaku.

Monday, August 9, 2010

this creature.

birthday girl :)

mon chéri, joyeux anniversaire!

sanah helwah ya jamilah!
selamat hari lahir!

happy birthday!
a simple gift from me :)
ahh, and, i kidnap your picture on facebook.
i hope you don't mind.

.thanks for everything.

9th August 1994.
ingat your mommy :) ALWAYS.
thanks pada dia
sebab sampai sekarang awak hidup.


thanks Allah because you give me
such a nice creature in the world :)
i hope ;)

forever. yes.
selamanya. ya!

your darling :)

p.s HAPPY NATIONAL DAY SINGAPORE! kita kan neighbour selamanya? :P

Sunday, August 8, 2010

video :)

this is the video, 31st July 2010. this is what i'm doing on that day.

hey, i'm so excited to post this. :)
stalker, you should watch this! hehe.
we got the 2nd place. but well, we realized that we made 2 mistakes there.

and.. it was my luck that i can see me on the video.
because Najihah and Muna were block by the conductor,
the most handsome girl i've ever seen :)
haish, i fall in love with her! geez. that's soooo gayyy xD

so, there were 6 guys, and 19 girls.
and this tournament held at OUM, Johor. not KL. xD
there were 5 schools participated too.


so there you go.
i'm out.
i want to watch Alice in Wonderland.

i know i'm a slowpoke!! HAHA, who cares?

since i fond Strange by Kerli ft Tokio Hotel song, so i decided to watch the movie.

p.s aku teringat ayat ni. "boys are stupid. Throw rocks at them. Pots and pans too." it makes me smile :)

Friday, August 6, 2010


whoa, nice lyric :D
"be careful what you do, cause i'm not bulletproof"
well, voulume laptop kene slow ck8. :)

orang kata aku sombong.
aku rasa tak.
biarlah aku.
nak sombong ke tak.
okay, i admit la, aku memang sombong sikit dengan orang. HAHA.

boleh ke cakap kalau aku private kan profile aku sombong?
huh. tak logik.

kalau aku tak senyum kata aku sombong?
haa. tengok. mengata aku lah tu.
habis tu takkan nak buat senyum plastik kot?
lagi tak ikhlas baik tak payah.

kalau aku jalan dan aku TER-langgar anda...
dan aku tak minta maaf.. sombongkah aku?
tak. mungkin aku tengah rushing.

kenapa manusia perlu judge orang lain sombong?
aku tak. aku tak. aku tak.
even muka aku tunjuk aku ya.
tapi sebenarnya tak.
apa pendapat anda?

okay. kalau aku tak.
kau mesti ya. aku tau kau sombong.

eh dah lah kau. mengarut.
aku nak update hikayat kita yang dah private tu sekarang. :)
hlovate inspired me to do that now.

p.s aku tak sombong laaa. kau tu yang sombong. eee. nasib baik kau cantik! HAHA. so dimaafkan lah sebab kau cantik everyone nak talk dengan kau!.

p.s.s word cantik memang akan sesuai untuk lelaki lah sekarang. PINK LADY!! muahaha.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

big event.

new profile picture at tagged.

the big event is choral speaking and readers theater :D
glad it was OVER.
but now i miss to practice the CS.
so, the tournament held at Open University, Johor.
in front of the sea :)

we got 2nd place for choral speaking,
and 3rd place for our readers theater.

okay, honestly, it was nerve-wrecking!
especially the readers theater.
ah, i don't think i do my best :(

and for the choral speaking,
whoa! i'm so surprised that everyone in the hall were so QUIET!
ehem. it was very, VERY fast choral speaking ever!

i guess, all of us, did our BEST!.
thanks for the compliments. :)
EC, SDARY, MP, and SMKA you guys rock too :)

and Hajar, y'know what, i did actually told your juniors [form 4 students from ur school now]
that you're my sister, and they said they know you! hah, they actually form 1 and you're form 5 at that time. :) you're old now. blehh!~ :P

ah, i think i do love choral speaking from the champion!
even they DO made an excessive movements, so what right?
they are the best. i think la.
the best part is... nanana(happy tree friends) [oh god, so cutee!]
i will remember that. :))

well, YPJ-OUM choral speaking and readers theater are done.
the next big event is Drama and Debate. :) hopefully we can do better!

to cameramen, teachers [Sir Azhar, U Fazliaton, U Mawa, U Ahmad], suppoters :)
thanks a LOT. oh. important peoples, my classmate!
danke schon!

okay, lagu yang paling best tuk decribe how we feel when we was doing our performance!

p.s i will never forget my script! "hey you know what?! Lady Gagah is actually a GUY!"
bleh, my voice gone for 3 secs : i did forget the last part -.- huhh.
whatever. we still won it :P