Saturday, May 8, 2010

english class.

in the morning, wake up ; lazy.
because SATURDAY, i should stay at home.
but no.

kena pergi sekolahahahaha.
[macam tak biasa pulee.]

YPJ-OUM program tuh macam nice.
-learning english. communication blah blah blahhh.
and the drama that we WILL insyaAllah play ; The Beauty and The Beast.
and watch Narnia in the next class...
also, debating-thingy will goes to the guy group..
because drama, fully play by the girls group....

[who will be the BEAST huh???]

and tadi, buat presentation about emblem.
and mine : Free Fallers. [ni name band inggeris yg malam semalam baru jumpa kat youtube..]
i love the Free Fallers group~
~The Frenzy 4

balik ingat nak pergi angsana. sua rasa...
wakakaka.. tapi HUJAN dan driver dah ngntuk..
so, balik rumah terus..

balik rumah tengok cerita nih...

KAIJI. besstt!

tengok dekat
ni semua muna punya pasal.. siapa suruh bagitau kita...
kan dah TER-habis tengok!! ngeee..

p.s esok makan kat luar jom!!! sambut hari mama~ BYE!


EisHajar said...

ida, emblem tue pe?

kaiji nie cite pe?

oit, tunggu la aku balik rumah esok baru makan kat luar. teringin la nk mkn tom yam. dah lme tak mkn. huhu.

Anonymous said...

ida yang malas nak sign in ;
emblem tuh macam motto,logo kump.

kaiji ni cite jepon laa..

ahaha.. ye laa.. nk sambut esok laaa..
kau sampai bila?

murshida said...
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EisHajar said...

esok amek bas pg kot. tp tak beli tiket lg.

zsdhiya said...

eh, awak. name program tuh YPJ-OUM lah. bukan OUC.

English Language Enrichment Programme.

muna yg mls nak sign in said...

hahahha...fujiwara tatsuya yg cool......