Sunday, July 25, 2010

prefect and narrator.


ada kelas English-YPJ tu.
dan yeah. best. because. kami hanya berlatih choral speaking dan readers theater!
whoa. so excited :D

but well. . .
we need to practice a LOT.
bacause, nanti ada yang kene hiccup!

we had so much FUN!
and.. Tired too. :( and sleepy. [me ONLY!]
tu laa. tidur lagi lambat semalam.

actually, bukan tidur lambat. [ttbe teringat budak bahasa baku tu!!. imy! MUAHAHA.]
can't sleep. because of the black shadow is haunting me.. geez. crap!
well, now, kinda... err. sleepy.. but tu la.. tak tidur lagi.. :D

lepas update ni tido eh...

Readers Theater :)
The King and Merchant are reading their their script

and me. the black red one, be the Narrator 2.
Sir Azhar aways picks me!

Choral Speaking :D

"hey YOU! i want complete silence NOW! stop talking NOW!!"
haha. my script. -.-"
penat berdiri!

ni apa yang akan terjadi bila Sir kasik rehat sebentar.
semua bukak facebook. :)
termasuk saya.

tapi dalam gamba ni.. budak ni tgh chattng ngan aku. HAHA. sedangkan aku duduk depan dia je.
look, how excited she IS!

well, that's all for now. ops.
ja. The Great Escape! wohooooo~

p.s i feel like... i want to kill him. i wonder. . why i do hate him very much..

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