Thursday, July 1, 2010


hey, what's up girls? [memang kena type girls je.]
haish, i feel like i'm going to DIE soon. YES i Am.

but well yeah,
i Quit.
i Give up.
i Hate.
i Frust.

i'm speechless for no reason.
today is weird actually.

i don't know why my junior ask me about my weight today?
girls, you really want to KNOW THAT?
i feel so NOT going to tell you the answer. xD

and, that person delete their tagged. xD oh so gonna miss them. x(

i feel weird today. can't describe it into words. or letters.

p.s hate me please.


zsdhiya said...

don't quit. don't give. love is everywhere. not excluded inside me. :)

Anonymous said...

murshida :
geez. it's something that i can't resist anyway.
so, i tried to get over it. but NO, i can't.
so, i'm ignoring it. and then.. it's getting worst.

yeah, thanks for the love :)