Sunday, October 31, 2010

Boats and Birds

urghh, i can't stop blogging. damn. tomorrow will be Addmath's paper. and Tafsir..
that need to be read and memorize.. but i don't know..
i stare at the books.. and.. walk away from it.
i just did it..

geez. there's something that make me..
feels like.. giving up.. and tired.. lazy..

plus that..
it's just makes me think about something else..
it just stuck on my head.. i can't erase it.. completely..
but i have to.. i try once.. but can't..


so my dear,

i said before, i want to study addmath with my mom..
and suddenly something came up.. and i don't why i'm still here..
in front of the computer.. duhh..

he's just did it again.. and my mom, have to go there immediately.. [so, i decided not to study [?]]

maybe he DID it PURPOSELY..
i think he is just being like that,
to attracts others.. boo.. err, i'm free care anyway..

everyone know i hate him..
even my mom and dad.. [maybe?]
who cares anyway?

Boats and Birds by
when 'metal head' change her mood into this..... layan.. layan...


p.s i LOVE my new WHITE SSSNNEEEAAKKKKERRRRR ! and.. aaa.. i can't imagine next year..
i will not stay at home.. Hostel. o.O [??!!] nanti nak tengok movie sume macam mana? kene basuh baju sendiri.. dan.. Cik T.. i hope Cik T dan anak-anak dah pindah ke tempat lain.. PLEASEEEEEE.

p.s.s lepas habis exam, memang akan buat marathon MOVIES AND belajar mainnnnn Guitar sampai powerrrr. haha, jana~


EisHajar said...

Mama g sna? bile? wat pe? die wat ape lg? Sengal giler la die tue.

Kau dpt kasut batu ke?

Hahaha. abes, klo cik T tak pindah, kau xnk la duk asrama?

Aku baru lps satu paper, dah lenjan 3movies. Hahaha.

murshida said...

entah dia tu. bangang sangat.
i heard that he did the same thing yang hari tu. aaa, mama abah selalu je dtg melawat dia.. -.-"

haha, a gift from myself to me lahh..
no worries.. mama mmg tkkan kasik ida pape la bday. x( so, i use MY OWN MONEY TO BUY IT. jangan jeles sangat eh.. aku tahu kau pon berduit jugak!! wakaka.

haha, TERPAKSA JUGAK MASUK. err, err. sebab next year ramai dho dok rumah. RIMAS. kan nak SPM.

tunggu la.. lagi seminggu 2 hari je nak habesssss. 5 movies pending.. tu blom lagi kire yang dalam internet ni!! HAHAHA.

EisHajar said...

Ai, die wat kt sna ke? die tunjuk sape? (reply kt fb. msg)

every week ke mama g sna?

bodoh la die tue. bangang nk mati. btol2 dah sakit.

wow! dah pndai beli brg sendri dah. pkai duit sendri plak tue. hahaha. brape? picture? aku bukn ade duit. skrg nie tgh miskin. nk mintk duit, mcm2 plak hal.

nasib, thn dpn pn aku xduk umah lg.

cite ape ade?