Monday, December 27, 2010
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Monday, December 13, 2010
i suddenly searched for this band.
Break your little heart. (fav song from ATL)
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Now i'm on Twitter.
*yeah* muna ajar. tapi cikgu dia annoying Orange.
okay, FYI, i only have 5 accounts ONLY.
Facebook, which is, i don't really want to expose it here.
if korang perasan, i don't really update my 'status' there. because, i really don't want to. and, facebook is the best way for stalking people. hua3.
Twitter, I'm new there. ;)
Formspring, which i created for you to ask me anything, or tell me anything. huh~ i'm so kind la bg u all tanya guna anonymous. :') on the side bar, so, feel free. nak jugak orang tanya soalan pelik2. ngeee.
and Blogger, i have two. -.-"
one is for this blog. and the other one is for private blogs, and my batch's etc.
p.s games jom! :DDD
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Godhand Teru
jangan jadi FD. (Fashion Disaster)
sebab tak lawa.
i mean kalau nak pakai tudung tuh,
hesh tutup lah semua. (aurat)
tangan semua tuh, ish, takkan nak pakai tshirt lengan pendek tapi pakai tudung, cacat tau nampak. hesh, CACAT lah.. tak percaya? tanya saya!
tapi paling tak boleh blah pakai dress sleeveless pastu pakai tudung. ughh, so FD la honey.
and, and...
tudung jarang nampak tembus sampai leher.
cantik leher kau ;)
aku suka, aku suka! HAHAHA,
and, and..
-blank sementara-
tapi bak kata Nabil "lu pikir la sendiri!" (well tak nak bebel panjang2)
Allah perintahkan sesuatu mesti ada sebab kan?
okay ending,
sebab apa saya post ni? sebab, saya tak suka tengok fashion yang sangat disaster. tapi baguslah, kadang2 korang buat saya berfikir dan muhasabah balik diri saya.
p.s BTW i got my colour pencils!! HAHAHA! okay, lepas tu nak buat apa? bagi idea sikit. haish, rasa nak Crayon pulak. weeeeee.
Monday, December 6, 2010
i am
currently into this
NsN is Never Shout Never. and Sudoku (i spent almost 3 hours on this), and junk foods ;DD
and so, what called 'house chores'. geez.
jana, so, let's spread the love. hate will brings you down m'dear ;)
iloveyoumorethanyouwilleverknow .. that is the most longest song's title ever. and sweeeet.
p.s bila nak habis holiday baru rasa tak rindu sekolah.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
buku? satu je baru baca. sebab memang bukan genetic suka membaca.
Movie :
Manga :
oh yeah.
feel free to answer it ;)
because, yeah, kenapa eh?
orang main games = budak-budak?
1) kat Landmark, which is kedai yang banyak2 barang elektronik tu.
me : maaa, belikan tablet tuh?
ma : apa tu?
me : alaa, benda tu yang boleh.... (explain macam2)
me : ma, belikan ida ni? (tunjuk kat mp4/mp3 baru dalam almari kaca)
ma : berapa harga dia?
me : tu, tu.. hehehe (sengih) yang lama dah rosak..
2) Rumah.
me : ma, jom pergi beli buku yang colour2 yang macam kecik2 dulu tu.. dengan colour pencil?
ma : haish! nak buat apa?
me : bosan lah... alaaaa, colour pencel tu besar!! RM10 JE!! (serious tak tipu!! yang gedabak ada 46 batang tu RM 9.90!!)
conclusion ; SEMUA TAK DAPAT! . T^T bukan nak kata mama kedekut TAKK. cuma BEJIMAT-CERMAT!! ;)
p.s aku dah kenapa? , uh-oh..idk.. -.-"
Monday, November 29, 2010
(sebenarnya dah bape banyak kali nak update pastu ade je benda yang kacau. contohnya macam Games.) hee ;)
so, today,
nak bebel je.
kalau tak nak baca, haish,
suka hati lah. sebab ye lah, you don't have to.
okay so, cuti aku?
crap, Bosan.
yeahh, cuma beberapa kali je keluar xD
Pergi Batu Layar,
this place suck habes.
dah masuk dalam black-list.
sebab? Resort yang aku pergi tu, EUWW gedik.
maksudnya servis tak bagus langsung. bagi bintang per 5?
setengah bintang je aku kasik. errr.
yeah, aku pergi sana sebab ade Hari Keluarga TDS.
Taman Daya School .a.k.a. SMKTD
enjoy sikit je.
cabutan bertuah, mama dapat mangkuk, mangkuk dan Oven.
OVEN?!! wth, tapi ada yang dapat peti ais??!! lagi laaa gila.
and then,
Hari Rabu, 24 November
keluar, dengan members
haish, aku dah cerita.
yeah, sedap makan kat Vivo,
sedap jugak suara korang menyanyi dekat tempat karaoke tu.
ops. fullstop.
then, i don't remember.
aku ade keluar lagi ke?
oh ade, pergi Batu Pahat.
hantar dia pergi Kolej je.
makan kat KFC then.. okay, berita tu sampai kat aku. T^T
NOTHING. aku hanya stay kat rumah.
oh kejap.
ade lagi la keluar.
dengan Abah and Hajar.
Baiki Laptop Hajar,
dan ambil result kat sekolah.
ape jadi ea? Alhamdulillah. target? tak lepas. ish, aku target tinggi sangat. peratus tercapai cuma 65% je. -.-"
haaa. aku punya azam cuti ni pon tak tercapai lagi.
jap2. aku takde azam la untuk cuti ni. ish ish. haha.
okay, banyak nya awak membebel.
aku patut berhenti. tapi entah. tak boleh2.
cuttttiiii, it's kinda boring.
bangun tido, laptop, facebook, games, tv, makan, tido, movies, addmath? HAHAHA, tak buat langsung. walaupun dah kena bebel tak buat2 jugak. ish.
bila nak berubah?
okay, waktu aku dah semakin suntuk untuk duduk dalam rumah ni.
kelas tambahan start 22nd December, kot, then, 23rd December, Melaka here i come, MAYBE LAH. InsyaAllah. BYE!
p.s december 2010. tak tahu nak rasa apa. berita itu terlalu mengejut dan buat aku freecare about everything yang terjadi around me. aku pun tak tahu kenapa aku macam tu. shit,, aku patut diam.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
yeaah, i'm back. :)
so, i dah boleh terima kenyataan yang i ada 1G
tapi tak kesah lah tu.
at least Physics aku tak fail.
whoa, yang paling tak boleh blah Bahasa Arab pon tak fail. xD
so, kene tunggu hari Sabtu.
lepas tu, kalau mama tengok result teruk,
hish, mesti kene brainwash ler.
agak2 boleh keluar tak, nak tengok Narnia 3?
jom budak2 YPJ, omg, rindunya kat kelas tu ;'(
Btw, thanks girls, keluar ramai2 tadi. penat nak mati okaaayy.
sampai Jusco Tebrau
'apa motif pergi sini ea?'
selepas berjalan beberapa minit.. nampak 'tempat' tu..
'nak masuk ke tempat ni?'
'aku atas pagar... boleh nak masuk, boleh tak nak..'
'makanan dia halal tak ni?'
'lain kali jangan minum air yang berais.. kan dah...'
after 3 hours kat tempat tu..
'penat aa, jom makan..'
'wey, cepat la order..'
'makanan mahal.. tak sanggup nak kuarkan duit..' (buat muka sedih+stress)
'lasagna, spaghetti, meatballs, chicken chop.. etc..'
'air dik?'
'7 mineral water..1 f&n Orange..' (kedekut habis..) -.-"
'pergh kenyang habis.. berbaloi aa bayar mahal.. makanan sedap!'
so, then kite jalan cari kedai Game, cari game untuk Xbox Adik Qarie..
pastu jalan masuk kedai Yamaha yang jumpa lelaki penebar roti tapi pakai BMW o.O
masuk situ nak cari capo dengan pick. poyo habis. malu konon. haha, sape lah tu.
masuk Reject Shop.. ini paling tak faham motif masuk kedai ni..
ambil gamba kat cermin pastu keluar balik??!!
4.30 petang..
solat, dan balik..
penat sangat.
aku sampai rumah pukul 9 lebih. sebab mama ambil lambat sikit.
snanye mama suruh tido umah Qarie tadi..
tapi sebab aku macam da penat gilaaaaa, so, balik gak aaa.
pastu sampai rumah tido balik.
bangun2 dah pukul 1
okay okay. ni nak tido dah ni..
gile apa nak tido kol 4 pagi macam semalam ? penat.
p.s okay, aku tak beli capo. she? nak belikan? takpe laa. susah2 je. kite pon tak mampu! mampu sbnrnya. tapi kedekut xD
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
first of all,
Happy Eidul Adha :)
cooking, nyummm, nasi himpit,
rendang daging, kuah kacang, daging masak kicap ^^
ayam goreng! haha, banyak sangat ! pergh,
esok chef kedua, Amin, haha, dia kata nak masak laksa johor
yang dia kempunan sangat waktu duduk kat pulau redang uh x)
kite tungguu...
hurmmmm, so, raya ni baru lengkap satu family. irony.
tadi, pergi beli cincin.
cincin apa? haaaa, tu kita tak tahu x)
yang penting, dah masuk dalam buku 555 dia :) HAHA,
esoklah 'projek'nya, so, tahniah !
haha, we actually call it 'Projek Raya Haji' ;')
aku bila? x) HAHA. okay, shut up lah!
sebenarnya nak tunjuk gamba yang agak.. Hummmm,
tapi takepelah nanti nanti.
okay, i'm speechless.
because, this holiday is BORING.
okay layan,
tak boleh tekan butang stoppp, PLAYY!
kene! kene!
lagu Linkin Park yang paling takde gentre Punk/Screamo
macam Numb, Leave Out All The Rest, Bleed it out, etc.
so, smooth, touching, lyric paling aa meaning dia T^T
Awek comel :D
haha, geli ennnnn 'awek'
perempuan laah
hey awak yang sama umur dengan aku,
awak ni comel lahhh!
dan awak pon comel juga!!
hye Charlie :) ehmmm, rambut merah dia memang sangat COOL!
hahaha, crappsss,
semua ni sebab bosan sangat tak tahu nak buat apa.. jalan2 kat youtube..
aku jumpa jugak video melayu yang agak lawak!
ni haaaaa
okay, tu je! chow!
p.s aku patut buat youtube's account ennn. [???] semua kene tengok video atas2 ni x) lawak, cool. :) jangan tengok kepada budak budak yang skema macam pembaris besi aku. you might not like it. serious, get a life lahh! heshh.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
pagi tadi,
ada orang masuk rumah. x.x
apa yang hilang?
-laptop abah,
-handphone abah and mama. UGHHHHH!
-handbag mama including wallet, kad kredit, I/c, lesen.. ATM card..
-wallet abah jugak, including, Atm card, credit card x( cash around RM 400-500 ! (banyak beyb! aku tak pernah ada duit cash sebanyak tu dalam wallet aku!)
penat abah siapkan bahan untuk program malam ni.
sekali kene curiiii!!
nasib baik dia tak kebas jugak hard disc abah. kalau tak,
bahan program PASTI HILANG.
so, pagipagi pukul 5 semua orang dah bangun kecohkecoh barang hilang!
call banks haha, banyak sangat bank. ade 4 x)
batal tu, batal ni..
pastu tido balik kol 8 - 12 lebey PENATTT! lebih specific ngantuk.
paling lawak, semua orang dalam rumah tidur waktu tuhh!
report polis blah blah blah semua.
tapi abah dengan mama je lah yang kecoh.
Pencuri tu bijak sangat masuk ikut pintu verandah depan dan curi segala barang yang ada dalam bilik abah...
TAPI, dia tak curi benda lain
yang ada kat dalam rumah ni.
walaupun aku dah tak dapat guna handphone aku lagi . . .
sebab mama yang guna buat sementara waktu.
[okay, mungkin ada hikmah tak guna handphone kaaannn??!] haha, muna ^^,
cehs, abah aku macam nak beli beri hitam jehh? HAHAH.
kite tunggu jelaaaaa~
p.s kalau dia rompak satu rumah, ada macam2 lagi kat bilik aku, abang2 aku
ada 3/4 lagi lappy. BB lagi. handphone LAGI. dan duit lagi. x.x yang penting sekarang... that robbers patut bukak lappy abah dan tengok lahh video2 bahan program tu... mana tahu insaffff dan bertaubat!! :)
Friday, November 12, 2010
last day.
happy? sort of..
sad? nahh.
a bit weird lah because, i don't have to wake up early to gosok baju and everything!
:D so, hoorahhh! eh, bukan hooray ke?


Thursday, November 11, 2010
F = +uck

Monday, November 8, 2010
Sunday, November 7, 2010

Saturday, November 6, 2010
Practice makes perfect.
Friday and Saturday - ada training Drama. serious PENAT.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Additional Mathematics and Mathematics [which are my 'favorite' subjects evahhhh]
dah habis :)
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Boats and Birds
p.s i LOVE my new WHITE SSSNNEEEAAKKKKERRRRR ! and.. aaa.. i can't imagine next year..
Saturday, October 30, 2010
serious, BEST. BEST.
aku rasa kalau orang yang tak suka Chemistry tu, mesti suka dah lepas ni.
ahaha, selama ni mana suka subjek SUSAH-NAK-MASUK-DALAM-KEPALA-DAN-HATI.
TAPI, lepas ini, dah berazam TAK NAK FAIL. lagi.
err, err. :((
ehm, so, kami, dalam 14 orang gitu, Ittihad and Imtithal
belajar bersama. errrghhh.
dan macam-macam kerenah.
dari pukul 9.30 AM - 4.15 PM gitu.
belajar non-stop. eh ade lah jugak Stop.
solat, makan. tu jer.
betulah Beliau cakap.. Chemistry tak sesusah yang aku fikir.
Electrolysis yang tak pernah faham.. dan.. dah faham dah sekarang..
Daniell Cell.. Hidayah Cell. [?]
Alhamdulillah. tinggal nak revise benda2 yang perlu revise JE.
p.s well, K_h_ _n. [?]
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
p.s setiap kali saya online facebook, saya akan pergi ke page awak. awak tahu kenapa? sebab saya rindu awak. HAHA. saya = stalker awak. cis. cis.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
A hole inside my heart
I'm all alone, the rooms are getting smaller.
I wonder how, I wonder why, I wonder where they are
The days we had, the songs we sang together.
And all my love, I'm holding on forever
Reaching for the love that seems so far."
Saturday, October 23, 2010
happy birthday to me

Tuesday, October 19, 2010
okay, today, no more killing post.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Friday, October 15, 2010
today, i had a little conversation with a friend.
kinda, nostalgia sikit la.
sebab dah lama tak hang out dengan dia.
bebual agak macammacam. macam berkurun tak berjumpa.
berkajang2 karangan boleh buat.
yeah, walaupon satu skola, kelas satu blok, entah,
rasa macam tak sempat nak berbicara.
okay, back to my point;
people do changed, like ME.
for good.
for myself.
why? because i need to.
for good. because it's GOOD.
i hate the old me.
i hate my school years, i mean sekolah rendah. i don't really know,
what friends for, and i don't really trust people. why?
because it was HARD.
and, i hate 2006, and 2008.
i should burn my diary o.O
i did something bad, and it really really hurts me a LOT.
and others too. maybe , that was the reason why,
i can't hardly trust anyone .
you know,
it was hard for me to blend in, because, i felt like,
they will judge me,
i will hurt them, and etc [the negative things, most]
but then,
i realized my mistakes.
and [for me] i've changed.
i'm not THAT perfect,
but i know who i am.
thank god :)
i think, macammacam kitorang bualkan.
aku harap, awak, [the one yang cakap aku emo tu]
TAKKAN cakap lagi pasal aku yang dulu.
pergh, aku memang tahap allergi gatal2 tak nak imbau perkara2 yang dah berlalu uh.
itu aku yang dulu. sekarang dah tak kot.
aku dah jadi orang yang lain daah.
okay, ni cerite lain.
aku kene act drama lagi. T^T
dulu jadi Rose, si buta, yang wataknya sgt lemah lembut dan ermm, very feminine.
dan sekarang.
si Jameel, isteri Ahmed, yang sangat garang dan menggedik macam drama queen.
how many times la aku kene 'jadi orang lain'? HAHA, ni last kot :)
so kene bagi 200% laa.
sebab kesian Sir kene bear dengan perangai kitorang yang gedik2 belaka ni. ;D
dan, amaq, aku tak terasa au apa yang kau tulis kat blog tu,
cume nak betulkan sikit je fakta,
bukan tak nak campur,
cuma you know, awak faham2 la kan,
kene la jaga hati masing2 .
ade pros and cons aa kalau nak campur pon.
awak takyah la emo sangat kat sesiapa yang awak maksudkan tu.
mungkin dia ada pendapat dia,
awak ada pendapat awak,
tak semua perkara yang kita buat akan satisfy kan orang lain.
jadi, conclusion kat sini, takyah laa nak pertikaikan apa yang orang lain buat.
sebab semua perkara yang terjadi ada sebab :)
semua ni process learning ye anak2.
redha dan terime je arahan dari Sir and the Director.
they know the best :)
and, jomlah buat sebaik mungkin ,
also, who debate, all the best.
betulkan niat, lillahita'ala.
p.s takziah buat eis, baru je terselamat dari accident, dengarnya masuk gaung?
Thursday, October 14, 2010
nak update tgh2 pagi nee.
sebab b o s a n HAHA.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Thursday, October 7, 2010
this got me thinking.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Friday, October 1, 2010

Saturday, September 25, 2010
what a song.
i asked ermm, jamie who wrote this song.
yeah, it's about 'family problems'
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Monday, September 20, 2010
Saturday, September 18, 2010
i wish
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Sam Tsui - Don't Want An Ending
today was totally a BORING DAY ever.
neopets, facebook, formspring, blogger.... the same things go around. everyday..
i need something.. to explore..
type 'hey monday' HOW YOU LOVE ME NOW is cool ;)
enough dancing with paramore songs and hey monday..
and yeah, 'nothin' on you' :D ;D
*dance dance* ;D
tired... need to chill..
slow songs.. J'lostein. :)
and then..
pop summer medley :) BEST! SUPERB! i'm abusing the replay button!! hee :)
and then.. click click.
i found this cute?, beautiful? song! SWEET !
you've got to hear this! :D
But we’re all out of time
(Is this over?)
(Don’t want an ending)
In one day
No way you’ll be mine
(Is this over?)
(Don’t want an ending)
My heart is running on empty
One more day and then we go
Yeah, the time goes on now
Don’t ask me how
I don’t know
We’ll be home tomorrow
But a thousand miles too far away
Say you won’t forget and i’ll be okay
At least tonight
It’s just you and me and honestly
That’s everything i need
I don’t wanna fall out
But we’re all out of time
(Is this over?)
(Don’t want an ending)
In one day
No way you’ll be mine
(Is this over?)
(Don’t want an ending)
Tonight’s the countdown
‘Till the day we’re not around
(Is this over?)
(Don’t want an ending)
And you’re gone
And we’re on with our lives
(Is this over?)
(Don’t want an ending)
I don’t want an ending
Don’t want an ending…
The days turn to hours
And it’s just a moment before they go
I’m scared to say goodbye,
‘Cause what’s after that?
I don’t know.
As the years look past us
If we lose track,
Or lose the fight,
I will search forever
To find a way back..
To tonight
Where it’s just you and me and honestly
That’s everything I need
I don’t wanna fall out
But we’re all out of time
(Is this over?)
(Don’t want an ending)
In one day
No way you’ll be mine
(Is this over?)
(Don’t want an ending)
Tonight’s the countdown
‘Til the day we’re not around
(Is this over?)
(Don’t want an ending)
And you’re gone
And we’re on with our lives
(Is this over?)
(Don’t want an ending)
I don’t want an ending
We said “see ya later”
But I know there’s no where we’re
Around here again (yeah)
And every until next time
Feels like one bad punch line
And I don’t want that again
I don’t wanna fall out
But we’re all out of time
(Is this over?)
(Don’t want an ending)
In one day
No way you’ll be mine
(Is this over?)
(Don’t want an ending)
I don’t wanna fall out
But we’re all out of time
(Is this over?)
(Don’t want an ending)
In one day
No way you’ll be mine
(Is this over?)
(Don’t want an ending)
Tonight’s the countdown
‘Til the day we’re not around
(Is this over?)
(Don’t want an ending)
And you’re gone
And we’re on with our lives
(Is this over?)
(Don’t want an ending)
(Noo) I
Don’t want an ending
(All out of time)
Don’t want an ending
Don’t want an ending
yes, i don't want an ending.
for something beautiful, happy moments i've ever had.
let's stop now. :)
p.s god, my homeworks need to be settle. ASAP! and yeaah, i need to find my wallet too. WHERE ARE YOU?!